Get to know me

I have a particular passion for coloured pencils and this is the medium that I generally work with. However, graphite was my first love when it came to creating art. Despite this, I have found that coloured pencils offer me a greater range of expression and allow me to create more vibrant and intense pieces. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and discovering new ways to use this medium to create unique and captivating artwork. My work is often inspired by nature and the beauty of the world around us, and I strive to capture this beauty in every piece that I create. Through my art, I hope to share my love of colour and creativity with others.

From a young age, I have always been drawn to hyperrealism in my drawings. Growing up in an artistic family, creativity was always encouraged, and I found joy and mindfulness in the process of drawing and paying attention to even the smallest details. The connection between humans and animals is something that I hold dear, and I often unwind by cuddling with my two cats, Elsa & Tabs, on the sofa. I know that animals have a special place in our hearts, and this is what drives me to create beautiful and timeless pieces of art that capture the essence of your animal companion. You can cherish this special memento for years to come.

Living in Caerphilly, South Wales, UK, I draw inspiration from the rugged and picturesque Welsh landscape. I love to explore the countryside and take long walks. Besides nature, I also enjoy visiting museums, farms, and zoos to broaden my knowledge and gain new experiences. I'd love to see more of the world's beauty, and I have a list of top cultural and artistic destinations I'd love to visit. To kickstart my productivity, I've started to incorporate trips to the gym into my drawing days (something I never thought I'd do haha). Lastly, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan!

My identity and experiences add value to and shape my work, so I hope this gives a bit more of an insight to who I am as a person. I am my own Unique Selling Point so being vulnerable with sharing is important for a deeper connection with you, my audience. From the days of cramming myself over the living room table to draw, to the luxury of a dedicated workspace with a desk and comfy chair, I am excited to see where my small business will take me in the future. Join me on this journey and let's see what we can create together!